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Cruise Ship Warnings - State Department Advice on COVID-19 Travel

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Despite cruise ship warnings issued by the State Department, many major cruise lines are continuing to operate. The travel advisory, which was issued Sunday evening in direct response to a coronavirus infection on cruise ship ships, was made late Sunday evening.

The State Department issued a statement saying that Americans should avoid traveling on cruise ships, as they are more at risk of contracting the disease. That's because the hulking vessels carry passengers more closely together than other modes of transport, the agency said.

The agency added that cruise ship passengers could face international travel restrictions at their ports and they wouldn't be able to rely upon government repatriation flights to get them home if the local authorities decide to ban them from leaving.

For the most part, travel advisories issued by the CDC have been advising against all but essential travel during outbreaks of coronavirus and other health threats. The CDC is more involved with this latest outbreak.

The CDC has a number of ways you can protect yourself from COVID-19 infections. These include:

* Avoid situations which increase your chance of getting more severe illnesses, such crowded places and long flight trips (e.g. Miami-San Francisco).

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You should also avoid working or visiting any cruise ship that has been infected by the virus.

The CDC says to contact the company you are booking a cruise with to find out if they have any plans to take precautions.

They should inform you if they do so that you can make alternative arrangements to get off the vessel if needed.

You should also use alcohol-based hand sanitizer frequently to avoid spreading the virus.

Some cruise companies have implemented more rigorous procedures to ensure passenger and crew safety during outbreaks.

But the CDC still advises against any cruise ship travel, especially for people with chronic health conditions, because of the increased risk for infection by COVID-19.

This is a critical issue and we encourage you to follow the CDC's recommendations for staying safe and healthy while abroad.

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Many health organizations offer support and free vaccinations to help travelers survive the epidemic. The CDC advises that all travelers are up-to date on their vaccines before they board a ship.

The CDC also provides tips for staying healthy.

1. Wash your hands often with soap and water after going to the bathroom; before eating or touching your face, or coughing or sneezing; and after handling surfaces that are contaminated with germs.

2. You should wear comfortable, loose clothes and shoes when you travel outside of your cabin. Share towels and other personal items with no one.

4. Loss of your passport? Report it to the nearest U.S. embassies or consulates immediately. You can arrange to have a replacement passport made for you, with a small fee.

5. Instead of sharing a common room, consider renting a private apartment or bedroom onboard the ship.


Are there any other things I need to know before I go on a cruise?

You should know many things before going on your first cruise. Remember that you will travel with other people. Be kind to these people, as you will never know their opinions on anything. Keep in mind that you will be dining and drinking with strangers. You should dress appropriately. You should not wear tank tops or shorts on deck. Wear comfortable clothing that you won't have to worry about getting dirty. Be prepared for extreme temperatures. Pack plenty of sunscreens. If you plan to spend some time outdoors, be sure to pack a hat with sunglasses and a light jacket. Don't forget to take responsibility for your safety. Don't drink-drive!

What type of cabin should you get?

You should consider how big you need the cabin to be when you're deciding on it. Is it okay to share a bathroom with someone else? Or would you prefer to have your own bathroom? Do you value noise? Do you prefer to spend your time in the dining room or in your stateroom? Also, think about whether you want a balcony or an interior view. Balconies give you a little more space, but they can sometimes be noisy. Interior views are generally quieter than balconies.

Is there anything negative about cruising?

There are some important things to consider when considering the pros & cons of cruising. Some people may decide that they don’t want to spend the entire vacation on a yacht. Others may prefer to be near the shore or in a resort. Others may be uncomfortable traveling so far from home. However, choosing a cruise with plenty of time ashore can easily overcome these concerns.

Are cruise ships safe?

Yes, cruise ships can be very safe to travel on. Most cruise ships are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and security systems. The safety regulations for cruise ships are very strict. All crew members are subject to extensive training and background checks. Passengers are screened upon boarding the ship. Some cruise lines require passengers show proof that they have been vaccinated against certain diseases. If you have any questions about safety while aboard, contact customer service immediately.


  • If you're traveling alone, you may also need to factor in a single supplement, adding up to as much as 100% of the cruise fare. (travel.usnews.com)
  • You can save 15% off the total price if you book in advance of your trip. (travel.usnews.com)
  • You'll need to budget around $80 per person per day for this option – and an additional 18% gratuity. (travel.usnews.com)
  • The line estimates savings of 50% when you purchase this bundle. (travel.usnews.com)

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How To

How to book a cruise

The best way to book a cruise is through a travel agency. This service should include booking the trip, arranging your flight and accommodation, dealing with insurance issues, and making payment arrangements. The agent will take care of you throughout the process and ensure you get the best deal.

There are many ways to save money. Some people go directly to the cruise lines and buy their tickets. You can compare the prices of different offers and check them out against what you would have paid if you had booked through a travel agency. You can also use an online specialist comparison site such as CruiseCompare.com. The website allows you to enter your information and find the lowest price. You can book it once you have found one that suits you.

If you're willing to do some research, there are other options. You could search online for a company that offers a package deal, where you can combine flight and accommodation. You can find many websites that offer packages like these.

You might also talk to your family about their experience with different cruise lines. They might be able to give you advice about how well-suited a particular cruise is for you.


Cruise Ship Warnings - State Department Advice on COVID-19 Travel