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Italy: Cruise Ship Crash

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It seems like a scene from a disaster movie when a cruise ship collided with a dock and a smaller riverboat in Italy. Fearful people fled the scene. Sunday morning's crash took place in the Giudecca Canal. This canal is a major thoroughfare leading to Saint Mark's Square in Venice.

A video of the incident has made headlines around the world, and many residents of the city have urged the mayor to ban large cruise ships from Venice. They claim the huge vessels cause ecological damage and pose danger to tourists.

MSC Opera, a large cruise vessel that was traveling to Kotor (Montenegro) and Greece's Mykonos or Santorini, was the MSC Opera. The ship was just about to dock in Venice, when it encountered a mechanical problem. The tugboats guiding it into Venice tried to stop it. However, the captain of the ship stated that his engine was not working and he could no longer get help.

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It is unclear how the engine failure triggered the crash. MSC Cruises did confirm that the ship was experiencing an issue and it is working with local maritime authorities to better understand the details of the incident.

According to Italian media reports, the MSC Opera suffered a loss in control that caused it unexpectedly to turn into Giudecca Canal. The tugboats tried to pull it out, but the large ship was able to smash into a riverboat in the canal.

According to some reports, the collision resulted in injuries for several riverboat passengers, including an American passenger and a New Zealander. Two tugboats were with the MSC Cruises vessel when it collided into the River Countess. It is a tourist boat which plys the canal between Venice, Piazza San Marco.

Medical officials say the MSC Opera crashed into the River Countess while the cruise ship was traveling at about 8 a.m. CET, according to Italian media. The accident reportedly injured five people, including four female tourists -- an American, a New Zealander and two Australians between the ages of 67 and 72.


After having been in Kotor (Montenegro) and was heading back to Italy, the ship lost power as it entered Giudecca Canal. The ship struck a cable that connected to its mooring dock at Venice's entry, breaking it apart.

Some passengers on board the riverboat were allowed to escape after the vessel was cut in two. However, others needed to be rescued and taken to safety by a lifeboat. Some of the injured tourists from the riverboat had their broken bones treated in hospital.

A reporter from Venice posted a video of the cruise boat hitting the River Countess on social media. She stated that she was stunned to see the large ship suddenly plow into the smaller vessel after it had been cruising along the canal.


Are cruise ships safe?

Yes, cruise ships are very safe places to travel. The majority of cruise ships are outfitted with the most advanced technology and security systems. Safety standards are also adhered to by cruise ships. All crew members are subject to extensive training and background checks. Passengers are screened upon boarding the ship. Some cruise lines require passengers to provide proof of vaccinations against certain illnesses. If you have any questions about safety while aboard, contact customer service immediately.

How can I choose the best cruise line?

It is simple to choose the right cruise line. First, determine the type of cruise line you wish to take. You might prefer a smaller intimate cruise, or one with many passengers. Then consider how much money you want to spend. If you are looking for something more affordable, look for cruises that offer "all-inclusive" packages. You won't have to worry about extra costs for entertainment, food, and drinks. Make sure you have good family programs in place if your family is planning a cruise.

Which type of cabin should I choose?

Consider the size of your cabin when you are considering buying one. Do you like sharing a bathroom or would you prefer to have your own? Or would you prefer to have your own bathroom? Do you value noise? Will you spend most of your time in the dining area or relaxing in your stateroom? Also, think about whether you want a balcony or an interior view. Although they offer more space, balconies can be noisy. Interior views are typically quieter then balconies.

Do I need to dress up on a cruise?

You don't have to dress up or wear anything extravagant. Relax and be comfortable.

How much do I tip my Cruise Director

This varies from cruise line to cruise line. Some cruise directors are paid tips while others receive no tipping. You can ask the Cruise Director on board to find out whether they require tips. They will most likely tell you if tipping is expected.

Where should my cruise take me?

You should think about where you would like to go if you're interested in visiting other ports of call. This information can also be used as a way to narrow down your search. If history is your passion, then you might be interested in a cruise which visits places like Alaska, Bermuda, Canada and England. You might prefer a cruise that includes beaches and water sports such as Jamaican, Aruba, Costa Rica or Panama, Tahiti or Costa Rica.

Where do cruises actually start?

Miami, Florida is the main destination for cruise vacations. The city is home to both international and domestic ports. These two locations enable passengers to travel throughout South America and Europe.


  • The line estimates savings of 50% when you purchase this bundle. (travel.usnews.com)
  • If you're traveling alone, you may also need to factor in a single supplement, adding up to as much as 100% of the cruise fare. (travel.usnews.com)
  • *20% Gratuities Apply on Free Unlimited Open Bar; Free Specialty Dining. (ncl.com)
  • You'll need to budget around $80 per person per day for this option – and an additional 18% gratuity. (travel.usnews.com)

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How To

How to stay safe while on a cruise ship

Before embarking on your cruise ship journey, there are many important things you should know. You must understand how to behave when onboard so you don't get into trouble. Here are some safety tips to help you enjoy your trip.

  1. Be mindful of where you are at all times. On cruise ships, people often congregate, especially at mealtimes. You can easily become distracted by the chatter and food of others. You shouldn't allow this to distract you away from the important things you need to do. If you notice someone engaging in dangerous behavior, such as smoking, or drinking alcohol, politely tell them to stop.
  2. Always keep your room key close to you when you board the ship, and hand over your room key to the person checking you in. They'll be able to find you quickly if you need it. Your passport is also important.
  3. Keep valuables out-of-reach Most cabins are equipped with drawers beneath the bed. You can store important documents such as passports and credit cards. Make sure that nothing valuable is visible from plain sight. Keep your bags hidden in the closet.
  4. Stay hydrated. Cruise ships provide plenty of water, but sometimes it's hard to remember to drink enough. Take advantage of the free bottled water available throughout the ship. Do not become dehydrated. Dehydration can make you tired and cranky, which can lead to fights or other accidents.
  5. Always pay attention to announcements. Announcements are displayed everywhere, including on TV screens. These announcements include safety procedures, emergency exits and weather reports. Pay attention to these announcements. They may save your life.
  6. Do not leave your cabin without first locking the door. No matter how friendly a crew member may seem, never leave your cabin without locking it. Thieves can often get in through unlocked doors. A crew member can grant permission to use the restroom.
  7. Avoid going too far. It takes time for the ship’s crew to rescue anyone who falls overboard. Sharks and other marine creatures might be attracted to you while you wait. Waiting until help arrives is the best option.
  8. You should not smoke in an elevator. These elevators are pressurized, meaning smoke can build up quickly. If you feel dizzy and lightheaded, it is best to get out immediately. Even though the air outside is fresh, it doesn't mean breathing is safe.
  9. Know the evacuation procedure. Each year thousands of people are killed by being stuck in elevators. Follow the instructions on screen if you are in an emergency.
  10. Make sure you are familiar with the fire drill. Fire drills take place regularly, almost every day. During a drill, everyone on deck has to evacuate. Follow the directions given by the crew members. Once the drill is complete, go back to your cabin and lock the door.
  11. Ask questions before accepting food or drinks. Cruisers often experience food poisoning. Many people are unaware that certain foods cannot be eaten aboard ships. Most cruise ships prohibit raw oysters. If you aren't sure if the food being offered to you is safe, politely decline and choose another meal.
  12. You should be cautious when swimming in the pool. There have been numerous instances of people accidentally falling into the pools. You should not fall into the pools unless someone spots you. You may also slip and fall on the deck. So always wear proper footwear and pay attention to your surroundings.


Italy: Cruise Ship Crash