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Seattle Port News

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There have been several important updates in the Seattle Port News. Terminal 5 is now open half-way and is expected to become fully operational in the next two year. An expansion is planned for 60 additional acres of land, which should ease congestion. The port is also teaming up with cruise lines and other ports to lay the groundwork for a "green corridor" in the Pacific Northwest.

Terminal 5 is now open for half-open

Terminal 5 at Seattle's port is currently half-open and will become fully functional in two years. It has the West Coast's most powerful cranes, and can unload some of the largest ships in the world. It will boost the port's total capacity to 40%.

Terminal 5 offers an on dock rail system that allows containers from ships to be transported directly to trains. This is the fastest and most efficient way to move freight and showcases the port's unique selling point.

It will be fully open in two years

The Seattle port makes big investments in sustainable construction practices. They plan to add zero-emission cargo handling equipment, as well as hybrid or electric tugs within their gateway. The port plans to dispose of 50 trucks that pollute. The Port of Seattle has committed to becoming a more sustainable city with the help of grants from the Environmental Protection Agency as well as the Department of Ecology.

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The new Seattle port is expected to increase capacity by 40 percent. The new port will include new technology to improve truck flow management and create a "quiet zone" for railroads. The Northwest Seaport Authority predicts that Seattle's port could unload seven millions TEUs annually of cargo by 2050.

Extensive container dwell fee

A new fee will be introduced by the Seattle port next week for extended storage. The fee is designed to encourage container movement at the port and alleviate congestion. The fee proposed will start at $50 per day, and increase to $75 per the next five days and $100 after ten. The fee will not be applied to empty containers or export loaded containers.

The new charge is the result of an ongoing crisis with port congestion. Because of long dwell time delays, many companies find it difficult to process shipments on schedule. This is causing them financial problems. To ensure their shipments arrive on time, large importers must clear the containers from the docks. But, it can be disastrous for smaller and mid-sized importers if they leave behind their containers.

Seaport Alliance leases an additional 60 acres of land in order to reduce congestion

The Seattle port authority has partnered with the U.S. Department of Agriculture in order to secure additional funding for port expansion. Farm Service Agency, a federal agency, has committed to providing $283 per dry container and $450 each refrigerated container for storage at a new harbor island terminal. The project is expected complete by 2025. Seaport Alliance has also approved a Husky Terminal Berth Realignment Project, which will increase the terminal's capacity to handle mega-ships simultaneously.

The expansion of terminals is part of larger plans to increase port capacity and TEUs. The expansion will also include projects in Tacoma Harbor or Seattle Harbor. The project is being funded in part by the federal Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) program and the TransAlta Coal Transition Grant Program. The alliance is also looking to expand this project to other large-sized international container terminals in Washington. Another project under construction includes the extension of the berth and installation of four new superpost-Panamax cranes.

carnival cruise ships

Container freight rates are declining on the US West Coast

The cost of shipping containers from Asia into the US is declining. This could indicate a decrease in import demand. Both the west and east coasts had lower rates. The container volumes are increasing, but the rates are falling all over. On Nov. 12, the Platts Containerized Freight Index was at $16,500/FEU.

The Seattle and Tacoma ports operate together as the Northwest Seaport Alliance. A tentative agreement was announced by the ports with Stevedoring Services of America Terminals. This terminal operator is the largest in the world and will manage the "big ship loading" facility that is planned for Terminal 5 west of Harbor Island. The project is estimated to cost $500m and will allow the Puget Sound cargo gateway more super-large freighters.


What tip do I have to give my Cruise Director?

This can vary from cruise line-to-cruise line. Some cruise directors are paid tips while others receive no tipping. Asking your Cruise Director when you board a ship is the best way to determine if they are entitled to tips. They will tell you if they expect tips.

Is a cruise ship all-inclusive?

They do not include meals for guests with restricted diets. They do not offer room service, laundry or other amenities, such as spas, gyms, and pools.

Some cruise lines offer "all-inclusive", which covers everything but alcohol. These packages generally include airfare, hotel accommodations or entertainment.

Why are cruise vacations popular?

A cruise is a great option for travelers who don't want the hassle of long flights and delays. The cruises offer a relaxed atmosphere that allows passengers to relax and enjoy their vacation without having to worry about work or other daily details.

Cruise ships also make it easy for travelers to visit different destinations on land and at sea. They have plenty of time to explore all the attractions and sights in each destination.

Do you need a passport to go on a cruise?

You need a passport to travel the world. You can travel to any country with a passport without needing a visa or other paperwork.

If you don't possess a passport, it might be difficult to get into certain countries. A passport allows you to stay longer while traveling abroad.

What can you expect on a cruise?

Enjoyment is key. You don't need to go overboard - just enjoy yourself.

There are plenty of activities available for everyone. If you are feeling bored, there will always be someone who wants to chat with you.

Cruising is all in the enjoyment of yourself and relaxation. Cruising is not about seeing as many places as possible.

There are many cruises that you can take, from short European trips to long Pacific voyages. The length of your trip will depend on the activities you plan to accomplish.

Is a cruise good vacation?

When you can relax and enjoy yourself, it's one of the best places to go on vacation. A cruise is what the doctor ordered.

Are cruise ships safe?

Yes, cruise ships can be very safe to travel on. Cruise ships come equipped with modern technology and security systems. The safety regulations for cruise ships are very strict. Crew members must undergo extensive training and pass background checks. Passengers are screened upon boarding the ship. Some cruise lines require passengers with certain diseases to present proof of their vaccinations. If you have any questions about safety while aboard, contact customer service immediately.


  • If you're traveling alone, you may also need to factor in a single supplement, adding up to as much as 100% of the cruise fare. (travel.usnews.com)
  • For an example of savings, Royal Caribbean offers up to a 40% discount with a dining package. (travel.usnews.com)
  • You'll need to budget around $80 per person per day for this option – and an additional 18% gratuity. (travel.usnews.com)
  • You can save 15% off the total price if you book in advance of your trip. (travel.usnews.com)

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How To

How to avoid getting seasick on a cruise

Wearing a hat on a cruise will help you avoid getting seasick. By keeping the head in a fixed position, a wide-brimmed hat prevents motion sickness.

Also, a hat helps keep water off your face, which reduces the humidity. This makes it easier to breathe for those who experience dizziness when inhaled moist air.

Another tip: Drink lots of fluids. Avoid alcohol or caffeine. These drinks dehydrate our bodies, which makes it difficult for fluid to move around in our stomachs. Salt levels can be decreased by drinking enough liquids. Salt causes the body and kidneys to retain water. This can lead to nausea.

If you do feel nauseous, try eating something salty. Salty foods make the stomach produce more hydrochloric Acid, which is helpful in breaking down food particles.

These tips may not work. There are other medications that can be used to treat seasickness. You should be aware that side effects can include dry mouth and constipation as well as headaches.


Seattle Port News